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Mountainair, NM demand action against Mayor & Chief of Police.

Officer Brent Woodard shows up to call regarding a domestic violence, the call was already being handled calmly by a fellow Officer when Woodard takes over the interaction. From here no formal request for entry or warrant was shown or issued to the couple by Woodard. After denying Woodard entry into her home the woman begins to shout for her boyfriend, Woodard then grabs her by the arm, ripping the woman’s shirt and pushes into her home. The woman in question is well aware of her rights and continues to shout at Woodard that his actions are illegal. When Mr. Chris Medina her boyfriend asks about the incident requesting why she was shoved and her shirt was ripped, Woodard proceeds for an hour to convince him that none of that incident took place and Mr. Medina should not request the body cam footage. Woodards reasoning for advising Mr Medina against requesting the footage was as he stated,

"not Mr. Medina's responsibility to see if the police are doing anything wrong.”

This statement alone touches the very foundation in which police accountability exists. The couple had called regarding a man arguing with a woman brandishing a shovel. They were met not with aid from responding officers but rather interrogation, assault and a blatant violation of their rights. This is merely one of the many documented incidents against Officer Woodard.

Woodard was previously recorded threatening a man with taser for merely attempting a conversation with the officer. Rather than facing any type of disciplinary action, Woodard was then promoted to Sergeant. This promotion was granted on behalf of Police Chief Juan Reyes.

This goes further than your average Police Chief defending one of their own. Video footage documents multiple town hall meetings where citizens voice their safety and concern regarding Woodard behavior to Mountainair Mayor Peter Nieto and City Councilors. One of the voiced incidents involves a local EMS with allegations of Sexual Harassment. Although Woodard has since been relieved of his position on the force, it is incidents such as these that shed light on a much larger issue for Mountainair citizens. Citizens are actively advocating for the removal of Mountainair Police Chief Juan Reyes.

Despite multiple town hall meetings with Mayor Nieto, the evidence & testimonies failed to bring about change. City Councilors Ernie Lopez and Robert Torres along side Private Investigator Carlos McMahon recently investigated Chief Reyes only to find evidence that Reyes lied on the application process to pass a background check. After conducting a formal background check it was revealed Chief Reyes plead No Contest to a fourth degree felony for aggravated battery against a family member. Court documents on the investigation state Reyes hit and threatened his pregnant wife with a knife. Reyes was given probation for the incident and has since made a public statement to defend himself stating,

"I never had a problem because this thing was dismissed.”

The Court Records show the probation was ended early but the case was not dismissed. There are questions as to whether the evidence provided will finally be enough for Mayor Nieto to take action. City Councilors Lopez & Torres opt for a vote regarding the matter. Despite the pile of evidence and testimonies Mayor Nieto has stated to local news sources that he is not looking to remove Reyes.

Next Council meeting is set for June 2022.

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21 avr. 2024

pigs just being fucking pigs

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